
Irritant laxative Learn more about Irritant laxative

  • "irritant laxative" what are the efficacy and effects of Senna? Are there any side effects? Can you lose weight?

    Senna is a medicinal material, also known as Senna and Senna. It will be used less frequently in our lives, because Senna is a very irritating laxative, and too much use will cause discomfort. So what are the effects and effects of Senna leaves? Senna leaf

    2020-11-09 Irritant laxative Senna its efficacy and its effect
  • A kind of vegetable + a kind of fruit, treat flatulence is very good!

    A kind of vegetable + a kind of fruit, treat flatulence is very good!

    Many of us have the problem of flatulence, some people do not understand their own stomach, often tell me that always stomachache, hiccups after eating, can not eat no appetite.

  • Nursing Care of Xiang Pig before and after giving birth

    Nursing Care of Xiang Pig before and after giving birth

    1. Feeding and management before parturition the focus of feeding and management of Xiang pigs before delivery is to ensure smooth delivery of sows and improve the survival rate of piglets. The main measure is to do a good job of antenatal care and prenatal preparation. 1. Antenatal care. According to the fat condition and breast development of sows,

    2020-11-08 Breeding Xiang Pig Zhixiang Pig giving birth before and after Nursing one
  • The reason and solution of sea bass not eating food

    The reason and solution of sea bass not eating food

    In Chinese, there are four kinds of fish can be called sea bass, namely: sea bass, the scientific name Japanese sea bass, distributed in coastal waters, and estuarine interchange of seawater and fresh water. Songjiang perch, also known as four-Gill perch, is a falling sea migratory fish, the most famous. Big mouthed black bass

    2020-11-08 Bass do not eat material reason and solution Chinese Li
  • Pay attention to the fact that these 10 kinds of plants are not suitable for display in the bedroom.

    Pay attention to the fact that these 10 kinds of plants are not suitable for display in the bedroom.

    How are you doing with such a large plant harem? Are you still strong when you turn over several brands a day? The beauty on your pillow is an accomplice to murder, do you know that? Recently, after watching several court dramas and the emperor's harem.

  • Water quality regulation and stocking density are the key points for mandarin fish culture.

    Water quality regulation and stocking density are the key points for mandarin fish culture.

    Water quality control and stocking density should be paid attention to during culture of mandarin fish. Filter-feeding fish can be interbred to maintain energy cycle in pond. The fry are easy to be damaged during transportation, so self-cultivation of fry can ensure survival rate. Rational use of drugs to reduce irritation

    2020-11-08 Keywords mandarin fish culture precautions water quality regulation and stocking density
  • Is radish a hair product?

    Is radish a hair product?

    In addition to eating radish, some people use boiling water to make pickles. Is that radish a hair product? Can pregnant women eat radish? First of all, we need to figure out what hair means. Hair matter means that it is nutritious or irritant and can easily cause certain diseases.

    2020-11-08 Radish vegetable yes hair Mo except for fresh food radish
  • Porcine stomatitis and its treatment

    Porcine stomatitis and its treatment

    1. The cause of oral mucositis can be caused by coarse feed or mixed with sharp objects such as fish bones and nails, taking irritant drugs such as tartar vomiting and feeding overheated feed. In addition, it can also occur in diseases such as foot-and-mouth disease, necrotic bacilli and mercury poisoning. two。 The symptoms of diseased pigs are slow or difficult to eat and there is a bad smell in the mouth. Ulcers may occur in the injured part caused by stab wounds. Due to corrosion or irritation, oral mucosa congestion and redness, or even exfoliation. 3. Feed for prevention and treatment should be examined and the cause of disease should be removed quickly after the disease. Treatment available

  • Etiology, diagnosis, prevention and treatment of canine gastritis (2) gastritis

    Etiology, diagnosis, prevention and treatment of canine gastritis (2) gastritis

    Gastritis refers to acute or chronic inflammation of the gastric mucosa. Some can spread to the intestinal mucosa to appear gastroenteritis. Gastritis is the most common disease in dogs. [etiology] eating spoiled or indigestible food and foreign bodies. The eye is caused by strong irritant drugs. Other diseases are secondary, such as canine distemper, canine infectious hepatitis, parvovirus enteritis, liver fluke, pancreatitis, glomerulonephritis and intestinal parasitic diseases. [symptoms] the main clinical features are vomiting, abdominal pain and mental depression. Sick dogs have a strong sense of thirst, but vomit immediately after drinking.

  • Do not choose plants that are not suitable for the bedroom.

    Do not choose plants that are not suitable for the bedroom.

    Do not choose plants that are not suitable for the bedroom.

  • Stomatitis, a common medical disease in dogs

    Stomatitis, a common medical disease in dogs

    Stomatitis can be divided into catarrhal, vesicular and ulcerative stomatitis according to the nature of inflammation, and catarrhal stomatitis is more common. [etiology] the most common causes are hard bones, sharp teeth, nails, wire and other direct damage to oral mucosa, followed by secondary infection and stomatitis; followed by accidental ingestion of quicklime, ammonia, mildew feed, excessive concentration of irritant drugs; followed by tongue injury, pharynx fire or some infectious diseases. [diagnostic essentials] diseased dogs refuse to eat coarse and hard feed, prefer liquid feed and

  • The steps of cultivating Phnom Penh tequila and what are the functions of Phnom Penh tequila?

    The steps of cultivating Phnom Penh tequila and what are the functions of Phnom Penh tequila?

    The steps of cultivating Phnom Penh tequila and what are the functions of Phnom Penh tequila?

  • How to rescue pig poisoning

    How to rescue pig poisoning

    The causes of pig poisoning are feed poisoning and drug poisoning. There are five common rescue methods: vomiting is generally used for organophosphorus and other drug poisoning. Can be subcutaneously injected with veratrine 0.01g to 0.03g, or oral emetic agent 1g to 3g (or potassium antimony tartrate 1g to 2g); if there is no emetic, you can also use sticks and hoses to gently wipe the throat mucosa to cause vomiting. Gastric lavage should be carried out 4 or 6 hours after the poison enters the pig. Hydrocyanic acid poisoning can be selected 1

  • Symptoms and diagnosis of rectal prolapse in pigs

    Symptoms and diagnosis of rectal prolapse in pigs

    [summary] part of the rectum or part of the large intestine protruding from the anus from the anus is called rectal prolapse, commonly known as prolapse of the anus [etiology / pathogen] is mainly due to constipation, diarrhea, weakness after illness and strong remorse after enema with irritant drugs, or chronic constipation or dysentery, late pregnancy in sows, etc., increased intra-abdominal pressure, anal sphincter relaxation, causing part or most of the rectum to turn out from the anus. You can't retract on your own. At the beginning of the disease, the rectal mucosa is often turned over during defecation.

  • Causes and remedial measures of latest honey pomelo drug damage

    Causes and remedial measures of latest honey pomelo drug damage

    The oil bubble on the skin of honey pomelo is large, and the pericarp is smooth and delicate in the young fruit stage, so it is extremely vulnerable to drug damage caused by irritant chemicals, which will seriously affect the economic interests of growers. So how to deal with the drug damage of pomelo? Follow the editor.

    2020-11-10 The latest honey pomelo drug damage cause and remediation measures skin
  • Brucellosis of bronchial septicemia in rabbits

    Brucellosis of bronchial septicemia in rabbits

    [pathogen] Bordetella bronchial septicemia is an oval to rod-shaped pleomorphic microbacilli, gram-negative, often showing two-stage staining. [epidemic characteristics] the disease often occurs in the spring and autumn when the climate is changeable, and it is mainly infected through the respiratory tract. Bacteria are often parasitic in the respiratory tract of rabbits, so the resistance of the body is reduced due to sudden climate change, colds, parasitic diseases and other factors, such as dust, strong irritant gas stimulation, so that the mucous membrane of the upper respiratory tract is fragile, are easy to cause disease. Rhinitis type is often endemic.

  • How does pig poison first aid? What about pig poisoning? What is pig poisoning?

    How does pig poison first aid? What about pig poisoning? What is pig poisoning?

    How does pig poison first aid? What about pig poisoning? What is pig poisoning?

  • Pigs are poisoned. I don't know what to do. Look at here!

    Pigs are poisoned. I don't know what to do. Look at here!

    Pigs are poisoned. I don't know what to do. Look at here!

  • Principles of diagnosis, prevention and treatment of pig poisoning

    Principles of diagnosis, prevention and treatment of pig poisoning

    The physiological disorder caused by poisoning can hinder the growth and development of pigs or even die, resulting in great economic losses. Understanding the principles of diagnosis, prevention and treatment of pig poisoning is helpful to reduce the occurrence and loss of pig poisoning. (1) diagnosis of pig poisoning 1. Medical history investigation. To understand the type, storage and processing of feed, to analyze the possibility of mildew and deterioration of feed, and to investigate whether pigs have been exposed to or accidentally eaten toxic substances such as poisonous plants, rat poison, pesticides, chemical fertilizers, factory wastewater and so on.

  • Why do marine crabs die in large numbers during shelling?

    Why do marine crabs die in large numbers during shelling?

    The death of marine crabs in the shelling period shows that a large number of marine crabs die before shelling (failed shelling), and many marine crabs die after shelling (too much physical consumption after shelling, soft shell does not harden, etc.). The causes of death of marine crabs during the shelling period are as follows: (1) the water body is polluted and the dissolved oxygen is low, which affects the shelling and leads to death; (2) the nutrition of marine crabs is unbalanced (lack of calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, zinc, iron, vitamins, etc.). Weak); (3) the use of irritant drugs during the shelling period, there will be some death; (4)
